Has your Selling Account been Suspended?

  • Our attorneys know the ins and outs of the suspension process and will carefully guide you through every step.
  • We know the specific language and evidence that Amazon wants depending on your class of suspension.
  • We prepare a plan of action for you, and provide responses to follow up inquiries from Amazon.

If you have had an account or product listing suspended by Amazon, you lose money every day that your account remains frozen. What’s more, Amazon ties up your funds while your account is under review. Meanwhile, your competitors are still selling identical products–sometimes they’re even responsible for your suspension. The longer your account is suspended, the harder it is to recover your business footing. 

Account suspensions can be extremely complicated and the underlying complaints are often vague, unclear or untrue. Our attorneys know the ins and outs of the suspension process and can identify the cause of your suspension and can identify Amazon’s concerns, even when they seem cryptic. We can get your account reinstated quickly and efficiently.

Our lawyers prepare focused Plan of Actions letters written in language that has been proven to resonate with the Amazon suspension reviewers. We understand what information that Amazon is looking for in every type of suspension and can prepare a package that will resolve your suspension. We give you the best chance of getting your account reinstated promptly, so that you can get back in business.

Further, if account reinstatement is denied, only a lawyer can represent you in arbitration with Amazon to compel them to reinstate your account. When appropriate, our lawyers can also pursue lost profits during the time your products or account were suspended.

We can help you get your account back in action.  Contact us now for a free consultation. 

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We will work tirelessly to get your account reinstated. Put your trust in our legal professionals.”

G. MorrisonManaging Partner