Are You Trying to Register a Trademark?

  • Our attorneys know the ins and outs of trademark registration process.
  • Before filing, we perform trademark search & legal analysis to avoid the expense of a denied application.
  • Attorney prepared applications give you the best chance of successfully registering your trademark.
  • A rejected trademark means losing your entire investment in your brand and returning to square one.
  • Trademark registration is required to participate in the Amazon Brand Registry Program.

Trademark registration is an important step to protecting your brand. A properly registered trademark creates a unique, legally exclusive identity for your brand and gives you access to the tools to fight counterfeiters, hijackers and infringers. Amazon now requires a registered trademark to participate in the Amazon Brand Registry Program.

However, registering a trademark with the USPTO can be a complicated, perilous process. If the USPTO denies your application, you not only forfeit your filing fee ($225-$400) but you must start again from square one, forfeiting all the time and energy you invested in building your brand. 

Our firm gives your trademark application the best chance of success. Our experienced attorneys know the ins and outs of trademark registration process. Initially, we perform a legal assessment of your trademark’s viability and search for competitors with similar trademarks. This provides a critical hedge against applying for a mark that will never be approved, in which case you would forfeit application fees and time.

If we determine that your trademark is viable, we will prepare the strongest possible application for your trademark registration. The vast majority of trademark applications are initially rejected by the USPTO, to either request additional information or because of defects in the application. This results in additional costs and substantial delays in the process. We can help reduce your chance of a denial and will see your application through to approval.

In the event that your application is initially denied or has already been denied once, we can provide the necessary information to get the USPTO to reverse their decision and get your trademark approved. This includes legal briefing contesting the grounds of the denial and even appealing the USPTO’s decision to the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board. Contact us now for a free consultation. 

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We will work tirelessly to get your trademark approved. Put your trust in our legal professionals.”

G. MorrisonManaging Partner